

What is a TN visa?
A TN visa is a non-immigrant work visa that allows citizens of Canada and Mexico to work in the United States under specific professional categories. It’s a product of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), now replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

Who is eligible for a TN visa?
To be eligible for a TN visa, you must be a citizen of Canada or Mexico and have a job offer in the United States in one of the eligible professions listed in the NAFTA or USMCA agreements. These professions typically require a specific educational background or professional credentials.

What are the eligible TN professions?
Common TN professions include engineers, scientists, accountants, lawyers, pharmacists, and healthcare professionals. However, there are many other eligible professions. Your specific occupation must match one of the categories outlined in the agreement.

How do I apply for a TN visa?
To apply for a TN visa, you’ll need to:
Secure a job offer from a U.S. employer.
Prepare the necessary documentation, including a detailed job offer letter and proof of your qualifications.
Attend an in-person interview at a U.S. consulate or embassy or if you are a Canadian citizen then at a border crossing (if you’re outside the U.S.) or apply for a change of status (if you’re already in the U.S.).
Pay the required visa application fee.

Is there a maximum duration for a TN visa?
TN visas can initially be issued for up to three years, with extensions available in one-year increments. There’s no fixed maximum duration, as long as you continue to meet the requirements of the TN category.

Can my family accompany me on a TN visa?
Yes, your spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 can accompany you to the U.S. under the TD visa category. However, they cannot work while in the U.S. under TD status.

Can I change my TN visa status or employer?
Yes, you can change your TN visa status to a different eligible category or employer. It’s crucial to ensure that the new job and category still meet the TN visa requirements. Legal assistance is often recommended during this process.

What happens if my TN visa expires, or I lose my job?
If your TN visa expires or you lose your job, you are expected to leave the U.S. promptly. It’s crucial to maintain legal status and consider other visa options if you wish to continue working in the U.S.

How can an immigration lawyer help with my TN visa application?
An immigration lawyer can provide invaluable assistance by:
Ensuring your job offer and documentation meet TN visa requirements.
Guiding you through the application process.
Handling any legal issues or challenges that may arise during your TN visa journey.
Exploring potential paths to permanent residency if that’s your goal.

If you have more questions or need personalized assistance with your TN visa application, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced immigration team. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of the immigration process and maximize your chances of success.

How may an attorney help me?


In the United States a person may represent themselves before any court, this is called “pro se” representation. US immigration laws are extremely complex and constantly changing. Even the smallest inadvertent mistake on the application can delay an applicant for years or even result in the denial of their case. A competent attorney can help you determine whether you qualify for the program to which you are applying as well as assist in gathering and producing evidence to support your application. An attorney can also accompany you in your interview as well as prep you beforehand using mock interviews, so you know what to expect and are prepared. An attorney could also appeal any denial of an applicant to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) and further to the Circuit court of Appeals all the way up to the Supreme Court.