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Biden Administration Codifies Controversial Asylum Restrictions: Impact on U.S. Asylum Law

Washington, DC – In a move that has sparked concern among immigration advocates, the Biden Administration has officially codified restrictive asylum policies, intensifying the challenges

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Written by Bohdan Solomko
3 mins
October 1, 2024
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Washington, DC – In a move that has sparked concern among immigration advocates, the Biden Administration has officially codified restrictive asylum policies, intensifying the challenges faced by vulnerable individuals and families seeking humanitarian protection. These newly cemented regulations are seen as a continuation of policies that undermine the foundations of U.S. asylum law and deny fair access to asylum for those in need.

Kelli Stump, President of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), voiced deep concerns about the implications of these restrictions. She emphasized, “It is crucial that our nation upholds border processes that are both safe and efficient, but also humane and just for asylum seekers. Denying asylum to individuals fleeing persecution can mean a difference between life and death. AILA has consistently opposed these changes out of concern that they would nearly eliminate asylum access for those seeking protection at the U.S. border. Unfortunately, since June, our fears have been realized.”

Key Concerns with Current Asylum Policies

Restrictions on Asylum Access
Despite U.S. law guaranteeing access to asylum for those arriving at the border, the codified policies effectively act as a ban for individuals entering between official ports of entry. This has led to widespread exclusion of asylum seekers, leaving them without a legal avenue to seek protection.

Limited Exceptions for Vulnerable Groups
While the Biden Administration pledged to make exceptions for vulnerable populations—including children and families—the reality has fallen short. Exceptions have been rare, leaving many in dire circumstances without a clear path to safety.

Insufficient Time to Access Legal Counsel
Under the new rules, asylum seekers are given just four hours to consult an attorney before presenting their case to an asylum officer. This limited window significantly hinders their ability to receive adequate legal advice and prepare a defense, placing them at a considerable disadvantage during the asylum process.

Border Processing Delays
Despite assurances, border processing via the CBP One appointment system has not significantly improved. Currently, 1,450 appointments are available daily, but the demand far outweighs supply, leaving many individuals stranded in unsafe conditions, awaiting their turn to apply for asylum.

Indefinite Restrictions Based on Encounter Rates
The codified policy will keep these asylum restrictions in place until the number of daily encounters at the border falls below 1,500 for 28 consecutive days. Given current immigration trends, it is likely that these restrictions will remain in place for an extended period, possibly indefinitely.

Advocates Call for Justice and Fairness

AILA Executive Director Ben Johnson expressed deep frustration with the Biden Administration’s decision, stating, “We must not abandon the principles of due process—an essential American value—by disregarding the rights of the most vulnerable. It is deeply concerning that these policies are being codified, putting justice and fairness on the back burner for the sake of expediency.”


The Biden Administration’s codification of restrictive asylum policies represents a significant shift in U.S. immigration policy, raising concerns about access to humanitarian protection and the fairness of the asylum process. Immigration advocates continue to push for a more humane approach that aligns with the nation’s legal obligations and moral responsibilities. As these changes remain in effect, it is critical for asylum seekers, legal professionals, and policymakers to stay informed and engaged in the ongoing dialogue surrounding asylum law in the U.S.

This article serves as an essential resource for understanding the current state of asylum policies in the United States and the implications of recent regulatory changes.

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